
Psalm 23
As many of you might know, we had a funeral during the week for one our beloved men in the church, Barry Bourke. Now as you might know, Barry was a man of faith and his faith was squarely placed in the good news of Jesus Christ right up to his last breath. It’s here that I would like to share with you briefly a passage of scripture that meant so much to him and I know that he would want you to hear this so that you might be bought the same comfort that he had in Christ in the closing chapter of his life. Read more

Trust and Obey: Part 2 | Matthew 6:25-34
Our twenty-third week in the Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven series.

Trust Against All the Odds
Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” (Mark 5:36, NIV) Faith is an incredible thing because it is something with real substance in this world but completely unseen at the same time. In fact that is pretty much how the preacher to the Hebrews puts it, saying “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb 12:1, KJV). Read more