Michael Dean-Smith
Doing Good To All | Galatians 6:1-10
Our fifteenth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
Our fifteenth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
The Fruit of the Spirit | Galatians 5:18-25
Our fourteenth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
Our fourteenth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
The Battle Rages | Galatians 5:13-17
Our thirteenth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
Our thirteenth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
Freedom in Christ | Galatians 5:1-12
Our twelfth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
Our twelfth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
A Tale of Two Cities | Galatians 4:21-31
Our eleventh week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
Our eleventh week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
Keep on Keeping On | Galatians 4:8-20
Our tenth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
Our tenth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
The Law and the Promise | Galatians 3:15-29
Our eighth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
Our eighth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
Faith or Works? | Galatians 3:1-14
Our seventh week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
Our seventh week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
Crucified with Christ | Galatians 2:17-21
Our sixth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
Our sixth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
Not Justified By Works | Galatians 2:11-16
Our fifth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.
Our fifth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.