Michael Dean-Smith

A Tribute to John the Baptist | Matthew 11:7-19
Our forty-first week in the “Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven” series.

The Expected One | Matthew 11:1-6
Our fortieth week in the “Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven” series.

How long, O Lord? | Psalm 13
Our fourth week in the “Seeing Jesus in the Psalms” series.

The Gift that keeps on Giving | John 3:16
Christmas 2024

The Reign of the Messiah | Psalm 2
Our third week in the “Seeing Jesus in the Psalms” series.

The Suffering of the Messiah | Psalm 22
Our second week in the “Seeing Jesus in the Psalms” series.

You’re a New Creation | Galatians 6:11-18
Our sixteenth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.

Doing Good To All | Galatians 6:1-10
Our fifteenth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.

The Fruit of the Spirit | Galatians 5:18-25
Our fourteenth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.

The Battle Rages | Galatians 5:13-17
Our thirteenth week in the “No Other Gospel: A Study in Galatians” series.