Series: Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven

Trust and Obey | Matthew 7:19-24
Our twenty-second week in the Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven series.

Fasting | Matthew 6:16-18
Our twenty-first week in the Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven series.

Prayer | Matthew 6:5-15
Our twentieth week in the Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven series.

Anonymous Donors | Matthew 6:1-4
Our nineteenth week in the Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven series.

But I Say Unto You Love Your Enemies | Matthew 5:43-48
Our eighteenth week in the Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven series.

But I Tell You: Part 5 | Matthew 5:38-42
Our seventeenth week in the Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven series.

But I Tell You: Part 4 | Matthew 5:33-37
Our sixteenth week in the Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven series.

But I Tell You: Part 2 | Matthew 5:27-30
Our fourteenth week in the Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven series.

But I Tell You: Part 1 | Matthew 5:21-26
Our thirteenth week in the Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven series.

Jesus our Law Keeper
Our twelfth week in the Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven series.