God builds the church

Michael Dean-Smith

Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. (1 Cor 12:4-6)

Good morning church.

Today you might notice that you have a guest preacher who will be taking you through the next passage in our sermon series on Matthew (Mat 2:13-23). It is a privilege to have guest preachers because it reminds us that God is building and encouraging His church using the gifts that He has given to His people (Eph 2:19-22 c.f. Rom 12:3-8). Now with that said it means that God uses people like you and me to build and edify His church and He by the Holy Spirit gives gifts to all of us to do so (Rom 12:4-8, 1 Cor 12:4, Eph 4:11 c.f. 1 Tim 5:17b).

Now you might be here this morning and thinking to yourself, wow that’s great but how am I part of any of that, how am I part of helping God’s people in this world? Well dear one let me encourage you here this morning. If you have seen your need for Christ and called upon the name of the Lord, you have received the Spirit of God (Jn 3:16, Acts 16:31, Rom 5:5) and thus you are called to labor with us in this. But don’t worry, you have also been gifted by God supernaturally for the very task (1 Pet 4:10-11), that’s why you find yourself yearning to make Christ known to those around you wherever you may find yourself.

Now as we see all throughout scripture, God has gifted all sorts of people in all sorts of situations to help His church. Bezaleel was literally gifted to be a builder (Ex 31:1-6), Asaph wrote spiritual songs to encourage people’s faith (1 Chron 15:17), Gehazi faithfully served a travelling preacher (2 Kgs 4:12), Jethro gave wise advice at just the right time (Ex 18:17-27) and Barnabas encouraged God’s people also giving what he could to his local church (Acts 4:36-37). Now you may not have heard of many of these people but that’s the point, you don’t always have to be up and in a crowd’s face to be using your God given gifts to be building or edifying the church. You might support a brother or sister with your finances. You might be a stay at home mum who is raising the next generation of Christians. You might be a person that helps practically around the place. You might be a retiree, using your time to pray for individuals that God places on your heart. You might be someone who volunteers their time to help with craft group, food outlet or share the gospel with people going through a rough time. I don’t know, but God has gifted all of us with wonderful gifts to help build and edify the church.

Might I encourage you this week in this, might I encourage to you pray and seek God in how you can be helping in this because let me tell you now, you’ll never rest satisfied sitting on the side lines watching your team at work.


Tags: #church , #gifts

Published: February 22, 2023

Updated: February 22, 2023